Sunday 15 February 2009

Production Meeting 3

During our third meeting, we came together and simply analysed the work of Hitchcock's work. We decided that we were going to use some of the ideas and feature of his work and incorporate it into our Thriller. We also made altered a variety of our initial ideas and put the together to make put final idea.

Final Ideas
The victim has been captured by the villain due to significant events that have occurred between the two in the past. Unaware of why they have been captured, the victim attempts to run away from the villain. However, there are a range of obstacles in the way. A range of text messages, e-mails, letters and code have been set for the victim that needs to be revealed in order for them break free.



Aicha Ouattara
Christopher Morrison
Pui-San Wong
Felista Kubuka

Church choir
Creaking doors

In addition to our final idea we also decided to use Todrov Theory of (Equilibrium, Destruction, New Equilibrium and Resolution) in the making our Thriller.
Changes could be made in due course.
Changes could be made in due course.

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